Top Tips For Your Customers

A vibrant and modern city, Dubai is exhilarating to say the least. It’s the epitome of luxury, offering exciting adventures and both modern and cultural experiences at every turn. Do remember though, that Dubai is still a Muslim city with a wonderful mix of cultures and traditions. 

Top Tips

Know Before You Go

Dubai welcomes plenty of tourists from all over the world all year round. The city has become a lot more westernised over the years, but keep in mind that it is still a Muslim city that adheres to Muslim and Sharia laws. While it is the modern city in the UAE with a healthy mix of international and local population, it is influenced by many cultures and traditions.

Westerners are thoroughly welcomed and accepted, but travellers should remember to remain sensitive to the religion and culture and behave appropriately and respectfully while there. This includes dressing appropriately (no nudity), abstaining from public displays of affection, respecting the holy month of Ramadan and covering up at holy sites such as mosques.

Our top tips will help your customers with all the questions that they may have about Dubai, including weather, dress codes, tipping, drinking and public transportation.


Dubai has only two seasons, hot and hotter. During the summer, Dubai is extremely hot and dry, during the winter, it is the best beach weather.


As of January 2022, weekends in Dubai are now Saturday and Sunday. Do bear in mind that government offices, public schools and some businesses will close at 12 noon on Friday for Friday Prayers.

Experience the Real Dubai

Known for its iconic man-made city filled with skyscrapers, Dubai has a rich history and culture just waiting to be explored. Beyond the luxury lifestyle and swanky restaurants, you’ll find museums, souks and heritage sites in the older sections of Dubai.

What to Wear

With expats making up a large percentage of the Dubai population, holidaymakers don’t need to cover up as much as you might think. Dress as you would do in Europe – hair doesn’t need to be covered and t-shirts and shorts are fine too, burkinis are also not a requirement. However, do dress modestly when visiting any mosques. A light covering like a cardigan can be useful for windy evenings or when visiting shopping malls and indoor dining as they can be quite cold.

Public Transport & Taxis

Ubers are the way forward with getting around Dubai. For public transport, travellers will need a Nol card which might be very confusing. Uber’s, however, work the same no matter where in the world your customers may be. Another option is to hire a private car with a driver.


The sale of alcohol is limited to hotel restaurants, bars and clubs. The legal drinking age is 21+, and it is unacceptable to drink in public spaces. Travellers are permitted to bring up to 4 litres of alcohol or 24 cans of beer from Duty Free.

Public Displays

Public displays of affection are frowned upon and kissing is most definitely outlawed. Swearing and rude gestures are also considered obscene acts.

Encourage your clients to be mindful of their behaviour when out in public.


In 2023, the holy month of Ramadan is expected to start on 22nd March and end on 21st April.

During this time, observant Muslims abstain from food, drinking and smoking from dawn to dusk. It is important that your customers show respect in public.

Restaurants that cater to tourists most likely will remain open as usual but will sometimes use screens to section off western diners.

Shop Wisely

Counterfeit items can be found all over the world and Dubai is no different. It is illegal in Dubai for vendors to sell counterfeit items, but it is not illegal to buy them.

We recommend buying from vendors situated in malls or at brand named outlets to ensure safe and secure transactions and the purchase of legitimate goods.


Tipping is not expected but is generally common practice. Most restaurants will add taxes and service charge to the bill.

10-15% is customary across hospitality, but not expected.

Is Dubai Expensive?

Dubai is by no means cheap, but it also depends on the choices made. The biggest expense would be flights and accommodation.

Food, activities and excursions are comparable to those in Western Europe.

Restaurant prices at hotels are usually much higher than those in town.

If staying longer than a holiday (i.e. more than 2 weeks), the ENTERTAINER App offers plenty of Buy One Get One Free offers for many restaurants, beauty salons, health & fitness, leisure activities and so much more. Costing around £100/AED 495 (a June 2021 special offer of £47/AED 257), the savings made account for the cost of download.

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